Support Local Teachers & Students
Teacher Classroom Grants
Teachers do not have what they need to meet the unique needs of their students and provide innovative instruction. By making a donation to the Foundation, you’re directly supporting these teachers and students.
Benefits of Teacher Grants
- Needs-based funds that go directly into the classroom, equipping teachers to meet the dynamic needs of the children in our region
- Improves classroom opportunities for all children in our schools
- Removes hurdles and barriers, and transforms them into opportunities for students which will have long-term impact on our community.
Teachers Make A Difference Scholarship for Students
The Teachers Make A Difference Scholarship provides scholarships for high school seniors and college students who wish to earn a teaching degree. Every year, the Foundation publishes a book featuring local stories to fund the scholarships.
Teachers Make A Difference Book Series
We know how hard teachers work, many times putting in extra time, spending their own money to purchase enhancements for their classrooms, and at the same time impacting many, many lives. Often they have no idea how much they touch the lives of the students with whom they spend time every day.
For the past 20 years, the Foundation has published a book every year featuring local stories about teachers written by their students. This year’s book, “It Goes On,” highlights the dedicated work of our inspiring teachers who have adapted their teaching to serve their students during the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions.
To order a book ($12), please email Eldene Wall or call (509) 669-6838. Or, make a donation to the Foundation in any amount and we will send you a copy of the book!
Hope for Kids
Details coming soon.
NCESD School Supply Giveaway
Details coming soon.
North Central Education Foundation General Fund
Details coming soon.