Regional School Safety Center

The NCESD Regional School Safety Center (RSSC) was created through the Second Substitute House Bill 1216 in the 2019 WA State Legislative Session. The NCESD RSSC is part of NCESD’s Student Safety & Well-Being department which includes three separate, but overlapping, areas of expertise:

  • Student Threat Assessment
  • Student Behavioral Health
  • Comprehensive School Safety Coordinator (CSSC)

Contact Us

Eric Johnson

Associate Director
Student Safety & Well-Being
Phone: 509-667-3637

Student Threat Assessment Services

BASIC – Free services available to all districts in the NCESD region

  • Level 1 training at NCESD
  • Level 2 training at NCESD
  • Limited consultation and technical assistance
  • Newsletters

BASIC+ – Services available for Cooperative Members

  • Level 1 training provided at your district

  • Level 2 facilitation in each county
  • Unlimited consultation and technical assistance

  • Basic overview training for any school district staffing groups
  • Unlimited learning labs

Learn More About Student Threat Assessment

School Safety / Crisis

BASIC – Free services available to all districts in the NCESD region

  • Guidance with HIB, Title IX, Civil Rights, 504/ADA

  • On-site emergency response

  • Guidance with safe school plans (RCW 28a.320.125)

  • FEMA information & training

  • Liaison assistance with first responders

  • Trend Awareness

  • SRO/SSO compliance

  • Swatting Assistance

BASIC+ – Services available for Cooperative Members

  • Comprehensive student / staff safety assistance after an emergency event

  • Interactive Tabletops

  • Active shooter/intruder trainings

  • EOP development training

  • Annex development & review

  • FEMA E-361 multi-hazard Emergency operation plan for schools course

  • On-site emergency response assistance

  • Monthly exercise observations & guidance

  • Incident Command System (ICS) training

  • On-site security walkthroughs

  • On-site Safe Haven’s 30-second video training & facilitation

Learn More About Comprehensive School Safety

Behavioral Health

BASIC – Free services available to all districts in the NCESD region

  • Support district development of required plan for students’ emotional & behavioral distress (RCW 28A.320.127

  • Offers ESA suicide prevention training & available technical assistance

  • Assistance building capacity for behavioral health referral pathways

  • Guidance in implementing best practices in response to suicide

  • Facilitating partnerships & coordinating with regional health care supports

BASIC+ – Services available for Cooperative Members

  • Facilitate development of required district plan for students’ emotional & behavioral distress (RCW 28A.320.127

  • Advanced suicide response training for ESA staff

  • Support adoption of state standards-aligned substance use & emotional health K-12 curricula

  • Development of student universal mental health screening program

  • Free behavioral health services training (when scheduled), such as but not limited to the following:

    • Youth mental health first aid
    • Catch My Breath Vaping Prevention
    • Life skills training substance use prevention
    • Lifelines: Suicide prevention, intervention & postvention
    • Mental Health & High Schools (mental health literacy curriculum)
    • TRAILS to Wellness (Tier 3 anxiety & depression
    • ACEs & Trauma Informed Schools
    • Classroom WiSE social emotional learning staff training
Learn More About Behavioral Health