
Resource: Smokefree Teen – Quit Vaping Tools

Published June 12, 2023

Know the Risks Virtual Field Trip

From the National Institutes of Health, part of the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, Quit Vaping is a section of Smokefree Teen.

Online Tools for vaping cessation include:

Build Your Quit Plan

  • Plan a date to quit
  • Calculate amount of money to be saved
  • Establish reasons for quitting
  • Determine triggers
  • Plan for:
    • Seeking friend and family support
    • Seeking expert support
      • Consider downloading a Smokefree App
        • QuitGuide
        • quiteSTART
  • Distracting self from cravings

Vaping Reality Check

  • Effects of addiction

How to Quit Vaping

  • Expansion of Quit Plan

Your First Day Without Vaping

Deal With Vape Cravings

Understand Your Vaping Triggers

Vaping Addiction and Nicotine Withdrawal

Anxiety, Stress and Vaping

Depression and Vaping


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