Announcing the NCW COVID-EO Contest!

North Central Accountable Community Health (NCACH) announces the North Central Washington COVID-EO Contest, a project created to engage youth in Chelan, Douglas, Grant and Okanogan counties to learn about and bring awareness to the importance of CDC and local public health guidelines to reduce the rapid spread of the novel coronavirus in our four-county region.
The online contest from April 13 to May 15 is open to all children who live in the four-county region and is located at
The contest was conceived by Mariah Brown, Practice Facilitator at North Central Accountable Community of Health, and Rachel Hansen, Public Information Officer at Cascade Medical Center. “The original intent,” said Brown, “was to create community unity around what social distancing actually looks like.”
North Central Accountable Community of Health (NCACH) offered to assist in launching the video contest as the project aligns with their effort in the COVID-19 response. It has the potential to have a significant impact on youth understanding and behavior throughout North Central Washington.
“Social distancing to slow the spread of COVID-19 can be especially difficult for children and teens who may be feeling isolated from their friends,” said Brown. “Many teens are also experiencing big disappointments as graduations, proms, sports seasons, college visits and other events are canceled or postponed. This contest is meant to be a fun way to engage youth in sharing the importance of stopping the spread of COVID-19.
“Additionally, the hope is that in this new time of online education, teachers may assign this as an extra credit assignment,” said Teresa Davis, Executive Assistant at North Central Accountable Community of Health.
Children that wish to participate in the contest should create a video of two minutes or less in length illustrating one or more of the CDC and local public health recommended measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus including: social distancing, hand washing, cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces, and staying home when you are sick.
The video must be created by the student and should be shot using a smartphone or tablet. This video contest is open to all K-12 students in the four-county region. Kids under the age of 18 need parent/guardian permission to participate.
More than $3,500 in prizes will be awarded to winning entries. First, second and third-place winners will be selected from each county in four age groups — K-2, 3-5, 6-8 and 9-12 for a total of 48 winners. First place winners can select from their choice of a Chomebook, smartwatch or wireless earbuds; second place will receive a $50 gift card; third place will receive a $25 gift card; and there will also be random drawings for additional $10 gift cards.
This contest is made possible and developed in partnership with Cascade Medical Center, North Central Educational Service District, Digital Media Northwest and Eric Link with the Wenatchee School District. In addition, NCACH thanks Confluence Health and Columbia Valley Community Health for their generous sponsorship donations.
NCACH also thanks Confluence Health and Columbia Valley Community Health for their generous sponsorship donations for this contest.