Make an Impact Today – InvestED 2021 Regional Fundraiser

How to get involved
InvestED is currently leading a regional fundraiser to rally local support for the students and schools the organization served in North Central Washington. This fundraiser is a collaborative effort between InvestED and North Central ESD. We invite the community to join our ongoing commitment to the region.
Our goal is to raise $20,000 in additional support from parents, businesses, community groups and others who care about young people in the region. Public schools and educators cannot do it along. Students and families cannot do it alone. All funds raised through this campaign are in addition to what InvestED has already provided to the NCESD region for the 2021-22 academic year.
Raising these funds is an ambitious goal, but no less urgent given the range of challenges that many students are facing. This campaign ends on November 30, 2021. Every contribution to this effort, no matter how “small”, can make a big difference on the lives of vulnerable kids.
Make a donation today!
Donors have the opportunity to designate their gifts to one or more InvestED partners school in North Central Washington. Donors also have the option to make gifts to the campaign without designating a specific school. At the conclusion of this campaign, any funds that have not been designated for specific schools will be equitably disbursed to the InvestED school network across the region.
Click the button above to go to the InvestED website to make a donation. You will need to click the “Give Now” button on the main menu and search “NCESD 171 Regional Campaign” OR the specific school you’d like to donate to.
Donations can also be made via check. Make checks payable to “InvestED” and mail to their office address:
606 Oakesdale Ave. SW, Suite C202, Renton, WA 98057
There are additional ways to donate; visit the InvestED website and scroll down to the Frequently Asked Questions section for more information.
What is InvestED?
InvestED is a statewide education nonprofit which helps low-income students “get to school, engage in school, and graduate.” Each academic year, InvestED provides funding to nearly 700 secondary schools across Washington State.
Many of the young people served are brilliant and talented – but they’re experiencing financial hardships beyond their control. Far too many kids struggle to access basic needs like nutrition, clothing, transportation, or purchasing ASB cards which are required to participate in school activities. These students could take the advanced level coursework, or star on their school’s sports teams, or be musical standouts in their school’s band; but, they simply don’t have the money to pay for AP and IB course fees, athletic equipment and fees, or even renting musical instruments for the year. For nearly 60 years, InvestED has been stepping in to help fill these gaps.
During the 2020-21 academic year – thanks to generous support from donors and partners – InvestED’s funding assisted more than 320,000 students in need statewide. That’s nearly 1 in 3 students enrolled in Washington’s K-12 public schools. See some examples of the impact.
How does it work?
InvestED’s model is simple, but powerful and centered on trusting local educators to make the decisions on how the funds are best used to support their students. These funds help bridge the gap between what families can afford, what public schools can support, and what students urgently need to achieve.
Whenever an educator sees a child in need, there is no paperwork for students to complete or permission slips for parents to sign. School staff are empowered to intervene immediately to remove the barrier(s) preventing that child from fully engaging in school. Educators use InvestED funds to help students cover costs for classroom and personal needs; school fees and special services; health and medical needs; sports activities and school activities; COVID-19 related needs, and much more.