North Central Educational Service District announces school supply drive

North Central Educational Service District (NCESD) has announced a school supply drive to benefit the Cascade School District. Collections will be accepted July 29 and August 12 at Icicle Creek Center for the Arts.
The “Stuff the Bus” school supply drive is a joint partnership between the North Central Educational Service District, Icicle Creek Center for the Arts, and the Cascade School District.
Donations will be accepted during two concerts at Icicle Creek Center for the Arts: The Paperboys will perform on July 29 and Shawn Mullins will perform on August 12. Both performances will begin at 7PM on the Meadow stage at the Leavenworth venue. Cascade School District will provide a bus prior to each concert and accept donations of school supplies.
Donors will receive a buy one, get-one ticket to a future performance at Icicle Creek Center for the Arts.
A list of needed school supplies can be found below.
“Nearly 44% of Cascade School District students are on free or reduced lunch programs,” explained Dwight Remick, Executive Director of Finance and Operations for the Cascade School District. “We have many students from families that really struggle to provide the necessary supplies, as well as teachers who need additional support in equipping their classrooms.”
“We’re thrilled to be able to support our community in this way. We understand that some families face financial challenges, and we’re proud to help support them,” explained Rebecca Ryker, Executive Director of Icicle Creek Center for the Arts.
“We are always open to creative ways to help the children in our districts succeed in the classroom and understand that equipping each child with the necessary tools to participate and enjoy success is critical. We’re happy to help lead this outstanding project, and look forward to assisting Cascade School District families,” explained North Central Educational Service District Superintendent Dr. Michelle Price.
The North Central Educational Service District is a resource to the 29 districts within the four-county service area, providing professional and timely tools to meet the needs of individual schools and districts, and a reliable point of education-related information for the communities served. The NCESD is a respected resource to other ESDs throughout Washington State.
Stuff the Bus School Supply Needs
Beaver Valley Elementary
K-1st grade
- 1 Large Backpack
- 1 Washable Lunch
- 1 Water Bottle
- 1 Package Dry Erase Markers (Low Odor)
- 1 Pkg Ticonderoga No.2 Pencils
- 3 Hole Zipper Pencil Pouch (Cloth Preferred)
- 3 Skinny Black Sharpie Marker
- 1 Large eraser
- 1 Rolls Masking Tape 2 Large Sponges
- 1 Box Tissue
2nd-5th grade
- 1 Large Backpack
- 1 Washable Lunch Box
- 1 Water Bottle
- 1 Pks. Dry Erase Markers (Low Odor)
- 1 Box Crayola Markers
- Headphones (over ear, not ear buds)
- 2 Large Sponges
- 1 Box Tissue
Osborn Elementary School
3rd Grade
- 4 dozen #2 wooden pencils
- 1 box Ziplock bags, gallon or sandwich size
- 3 composition books
- 2 roll paper towels
- 1 box oil pastels (optional)
- 1 box washable markers
- 2 pocket folders (1 red, 1 blue, 1 green, 1 purple, 1 orange, 1 yellow)
- 2 Pink Pearl Erasers
- 1 school box standard size (81/2” x 5”)
- 2 highlighters
- 6+ glue sticks (Elmer’s or Prange brand)
- Scissors (Fiskars)
- 1 pkgs. Wide ruled notebook paper
- 1 Kleenex
- 1 handheld pencil sharpener w/cover
- 1 1” 3 ring binder (hard sided/No zippers)
- 1 ruler – not folding type
- 1 pack of 5 section dividers
- 1 box Colored pencils (good quality) or Crayons
- Headphones
- 2 fine point dry erase markers
4th Grade
- 2 dozen #2 wooden pencils, sharpened
- 1 water bottle
- 2 pkg. ruled notebook paper
- 2 boxes Kleenex
- 1 box colored pencils, sharpened
- 1 school supply box
- 3 glue sticks
- 3 pocket folders
- 12 inch/30 cm ruler
- Scissors (Fiskars)
- 1 box washable markers
- 3 composition books 1 graph paper
- 2 highlighters
- 1” binder (Gilbert& Northrup only)
- Earbuds-Headphones 2 pairs
- 4 unopened Duracell AA Batteries
- 1 handheld pencil sharpener w/cover
- 2 dozen #2 wooden pencils or Mechanical Pencils
- Clipboard (new or used)
- Whiteboard Markers
- Unscented Baby Wipes in a Container of 75+ Wipes
5th Grade
- 2 dozen #2 wooden pencils, or 2 pk. Mechanical pencils
- 1 pkg. post-it notes
- 1 box of 24 crayons
- Large eraser
- 2 composition books
- Old sock for eraser
- Dividers for binder (7 subject w/pockets)
- Highlighters
- 1” binder not Trapper Keeper
- 1 box Kleenex
- Expo dry-erase markers (blue & black)
- 1 ruler (standard and metric)
- 1 pkg. college-ruled notebook paper
- 9 Glue sticks
- Water bottle
- Black Sharpie Marker (fine& ultra-fine tip)
- 1 school supply box or pencil pouch
- 1 covered pencil sharpener
- 1 pair larger size scissors
- Colored pencils, sharpened
- Ink pens ~ 1 red, 1 blue or black
- 1 roll transparent tape
- Small dictionary (even the one from 3rd grade)
- Earbuds-Headphones w/name
- 2 unopened Duracell AA batteries
Peshastin-Dryden Elementary School
- 1 Dozen #2 Ticonderoga sharpened pencils
- 12 White Elmer’s glue sticks, all purpose, washable, acid- free
- 1 Box of Kleenex tissues
- 1 box of 24 Crayola Crayons
- 1 Set of 8 Crayola Washable
- Classic Colors wide tip marker
- 4 Boxes of unscented baby wipes
- 1 Pack of 4 Expo Dry Erase chisel tip markers
- 1 pair of over the head Koss Headphones (please do not spend over $8.00)
- 1 Box Ziploc Bags (Quart)
- 1 Box Ziploc Bags(Gallon)
1st Grade
- 1 box of 24 CRAYOLA CRAYONS
- 1 box of washable CRAYOLA MARKERS (Large size 8-10 colors)
- 6 Glue Sticks
- 2 packs of #2 pencils
- 1 Pink Eraser
- 1 Pair of Scissors
- 1 Box of Kleenex TISSUE
- 3 Packages of Baby Wipes
- 2 Packs of Dry Erase EXPO MARKERS (4 per pack)
- 1 Pair of over the head HEAD- PHONES (please do not spend over $8.00)
- 1 Backpack
- 1 Box Ziploc Bags (Quart)
- 1 Box Ziploc Bags (Gallon)
2nd Grade
- 1 Box of 24 Crayola Crayons
- 1 Box Crayola Markers with 8 colors (wide tip)
- 1 Box of Unscented Kleenex
- 1 Roll Paper Towels
- 1 Pair of Student Scissors, 5” Fiskers
- 2 Black EXPO Dry Erase Markers
- 1 Plastic school box (8”x5”)
- 5 Glue Sticks
- 1 Pack Crayola Colored Pencils (Sharpened)
- 2 Yellow Highlighters
- 1 Pink Eraser
- 24 Yellow Wood Pencils
- Headphones
- 2 PeeChee Style Folders
- 1 Backpack
- 2 Wide-ruled Composition Books (NOT SPIRAL)
Icicle River Middle School
6th Grade
- One – 1 ” ringed binder
- One- 2” ringed binder
- 2 spiral notebooks
- 2 packs of five dividers
- Notebook paper-college ruled
- Kleenex
- Ear buds
- 1 flash drive
- 1 canvas (no plastic) pencil pouch with the following supplies:
- Colored pencils
- Post-It notes (1 3/8 in. x 1 7/8 in. and 3 in.)
- Package of 4 Expo markers
- Highlighters (3 colors)
- Pencils/sharpener
- Pens-for correcting
7th Grade
- 1 pencil pouch
- Pens (blue or black and red)
- Pencils (8-12 dozen)
- 1 package highlighters
- 2 large glue sticks
- Headphones /ear buds
- 1 box colored pencils with sharpener
- 1 metric ruler
- 1×2 sticky notes
- 3×3 sticky notes
- 1 package of Expo markers
- Scissors
- 2 Composition notebooks (cardboard covered, college ruled 100 pages)
- 2 -2” three ring binders or accordion file folders with 1 package of tab dividers
- 1 -¼” graph paper composition or spiral notebook
- 1 package ¼” graph paper (200 sheets)
- 1 package college-ruled loose-leaf notebook paper
8th Grade
- #2 pencils
- Pencil Sharpener
- Large eraser
- 2 3-ring binders
- 2 sets of dividers
- Notebook paper (college ruled)
- ¼” or centimeter grid graph paper
- Blue or black ink pens
- Red pens for corrections
- Multiple colors of Highlighters
- Scissors
- 3X5 note cards
- Expo Whiteboard Marker
- Glue Sticks
- 4 spiral bound, 70 or more paged, college ruled or graph paper notebooks
- Colored pencils