Regional Partners to Host Virtual Career Fair

Washington State Employment Security Department, WorkSource, North Central Career Connect Washington Network (North Central WDC/NCESD/Apple STEM Network/Skillsource) will present the North Central WA Virtual Career Fair, taking place on Wednesday, June 10th, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. This event will be offered virtually and will provide job seekers with opportunities to connect with multiple employers across North Central WA who are currently hiring.
With traditional in-person job fairs on hold at this time, North Central WA education and workforce development partners have collaborated to offer this virtual job fair platform to connect adults and high school seniors with regional area employers all from your laptop, smartphone or tablet. Registration is free and available online at or by calling event coordinator, Bretta Beveridge at (360) 902-9293 or (206) 235-8249.
After signing in as a job seeker, you will be able to explore available job opportunities and participate in 1-on-1 text-based chats with representatives from the participating employers to ask questions about jobs and about the organization. You will be able to share your background and experience as well.