Mathematical Books & Activities for Young Learners

Click the book below to learn more about how it can help young learners with math literacy. We’ve also included a variety of activities to expand on what they learn in the book. Tip: You can translate this entire page using the “Select Language” button on the top of this page. Sugerencia: puede traducir toda esta página usando el botón “Seleccionar idioma” en la parte superior de esta página.

The Animals Would Not Sleep!

It’s bedtime for Marco and his stuffed animals, but the animals have other ideas. When Marco tries to put them away, they fly, swim, and slither out of their bins. Can Marco sort the animals so everyone is happy?

Mathematical Activity Book

Explore sorting and classifying with these activities! Using everyday objects to sort and classify: by color, size, usage, etc.

Other Activities

One Big Pair of Underwear

What’s one thing that two bears, three yaks, four goats, and six cats have in common? They hate to share. When the animals don’t count and compare to see if they need to share, someone always gets left out. But, by learning to share, the animals discover they can have twice the fun!

Mathematical Activity Book

One Big Pair of Underwear focuses on comparing numbers by size, noticing problems by counting and comparing, and using math as a tool to solve problems fairly.

Other Activities

Lia & Luís: Who Has More?

Twins Lia and Luís love Brazilian snacks! But when Luís starts bragging that he has more treats, the two begin to argue. How can they tell who has more? This is a warm, inclusive introduction to measurement and comparison.

Mathematical Activity Book

Build a simple bridge and see how much weight it can support; order and compare items by weight.

Other Activities

Absolutely One Thing: Featuring Charlie and Lola

Charlie and Lola have a lot of numbers to explore. Mom says they can get one thing at the store. Is that one thing each, or one thing to share? How many ducks do they pass on their walk? And, how many leaves are on that tree? These numbers and more are played with and explored in a way that makes operations, estimation, comparing, and other early math concepts an adventure that is both concrete and far-reaching.

Mathematical Activity Book

Think about 2-3 daily activities and compare the length of each. Think about different ways to measure things, such as the table top is 2 backpacks long.

Other Activities

One Fox: A Counting Book Thriller

One hungry fox with two sly eyes is on the prowl…three plump hens had better watch out! Rich and colorful illustrations plunge the reader into a dramatic and exciting story set in a moonlit farmyard. With something different to count on each page, learning to count from one to ten has never been so thrilling!

Mathematical Activity Book

Count fox’s body parts, color a hen and make an origami fox. View and download One Fox Activity Book

Other Activities

Questions about the resources listed above?

Please email Lisa Monahan at the NCESD