CCTS works to empower educators and administrators to improve transition services for youth with disabilities through partnerships, research, and training. CCTS is a Washington State Needs Projects funded by OSPI Special Education using Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) state-level discretionary funds. Collectively, the State Needs Projects provide statewide professional development, technical assistance, consultation, and training for educators, parents and families.
Developmental Disabilities Administration
The Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) is transforming lives by providing support and fostering partnerships that empower people to live the lives they want. The DDA strives to develop and implement public policies that will promote individual worth, self-respect, and dignity such that each individual is valued as a contributing member of the community.
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) is a statewide resource assisting people with disabilities to prepare for, secure, maintain, advance in, or regain employment. DVR serves people who seek meaningful, secure employment but whose disabilities may result in one or more barriers to achieving an employment goal.
Family Engagement and Guidance
OSPI resources for students, families and community members with information about special education, to ensuring that students and families know about their rights, answering questions they may have about how the process works, and sharing ways that partners may provide input and get involved.
Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI)
Approximately 143,000 eligible students in Washington state receive special education and related services. The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) fulfills the requirements of the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), which ensures all children with disabilities have access to a free appropriate public education.
Phasing Out Severe Discrepancy for Identification of Specific Learning Disability (OSPI)
Implementation timeline includes exploring national data and practices of Specific Learning Disability; interview state leads; goals and scope of work; form a cadre of stakeholders; explore topics; exploration of national practices, research, Individual with Disabilities Education Act regulations, and evaluation methods; and, presentations and feedback
Resources from OSPI for Washington State schools and districts to guide decisions and provision of FAPE for students receiving special education during the COVID pandemic.
Special Education Support Center
The WEA Special Education Support Center provides training to all educators (including administrators and pre-service teachers), as well as to parents and service organizations. The collaborate with numerous organizations to assure that educators and the families they serve have a clear understanding of state and federal rules and best practices related to students with disabilities.
The Special Education Technology Center assists school teams in building their capacity to support diverse students while promoting access to learning through the integrated use of technologies across learning environments.
Washington’s Multi-Tiered System of Supports Framework
The purpose of this document is to establish a concise, consistent, and comprehensive framework of Multi-Tiered System of Supports to assist districts and schools in ensuring equitable outcomes for every Washington student in the OK-12 system. – Online Special Education Programs
An online bachelor’s in special education program teaches students how to help children who are managing physical, mental, and emotional disabilities adapt and thrive in learning environments despite these challenges. To help students wanting to pursue this career path, created a guide of the best online special education programs.