


STEM Services & Support

STEM education integrates concepts that are usually taught as separate subjects in different classes and emphasizes the application of knowledge to real-life situations. A lesson or unit in a STEM class is typically based around finding a solution to a real-world problem and tends to emphasize project-based learning. Many STEM lessons involve building models and simulating situations, and impactful STEM lessons ensure that students understand the connection to the real world.

STEM education could take place in a separate STEM class or be incorporated into practically any subject and grade level. Of course, science and math classes would be able to directly implement STEM-related lessons. In a social studies class learning about the Industrial Revolution, however, many students may design their own assembly line. OR, in an English class, students may keep a journal about their thinking and research processes while designing a realistic bridge from a fictional novel.

Careers in STEM-related fields are vast and diverse. Some examples include careers in the pharmacy, energy, programming, and engineering fields. However, STEM careers may also take the form of a physician’s assistant, network communications expert, or agricultural professional. Finance, risk analysis, and even athletic training have elements of STEM in them.

The NCESD places a strong emphasis on providing support for STEM education.

STEM Cooperative

Members of the NCESD STEM Cooperative receive multiple benefits within the areas of STEM education, including support from NCESD regional coordinators and free attendance to the annual STEM Summit in August.

Contracts are established on a tier structure determined by district FTE. For the most current Member District list and more information, contact Linda McKay.


The annual STEM Summit highlights professional learning opportunities for teachers and educational staff members in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics taught by experts and specialists in their fields.

The event is hosted in Wenatchee, WA in the middle of August and includes 3-4 days of professional learning and networking. Contact Pete Phillips for more information about the event.

Apple STEM Network

The Apple STEM Network is a regional alliance of K-12, Higher Ed and community partners in North Central Washington. We represent a diverse region with tremendous potential for STEM industry in agriculture, energy and innovation. With our collective efforts we intend to:

  • Provide a constructive support system for educators who aim to meet the rising challenge for all students to develop 21st century skills and STEM literacy
  • Integrate community mentorship and promote authentic project-based learning and field experiences for all levels of education
  • Engage students in exploring the world of opportunities on the horizon through STEM.

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education is an approach to learning that removes the traditional barriers separating science, technology, engineering, and mathematics and integrates them into real-world problem solving and relevant learning experiences for students.

STEM in itself is not a curriculum, but rather a way of organizing and delivering instruction by weaving the four disciplines together in intentional ways. Rather than adding two new subjects to the curriculum, the engineering and technology practices are intentionally woven into existing math and science lessons in ways that engage students and help them master 21st century skills.

For more information visit the Apple STEM website or contact Dr. Sue Kane, the NCESD Director of STEM Initiatives and Strategic Partnerships

Apple STEM Network


NCESD provides customized support for district and school mathematics initiatives. Whether you are seeking a one-day course for teachers, or you are in need of longer-term support to improve math learning outcomes we can provide a wide-range of services and assistance. Common requests include:

  • Design and implement professional learning for teachers, coaches, or administrators
  • Provide consultation and guidance to district or school math leaders
  • Facilitate teams of teachers to analyze student work, observe classroom practice, or create long or short-range plans for mathematics
  • Conduct classroom demonstrations or observations, and provide feedback and coaching for teachers
  • Support the instructional materials review process

For more information please contact Andy Boyd.


The Science team at North Central ESD is available to assist school districts in implementing the Next Generation Science Standards and the Common Core State Standards, selecting instructional materials, in the use of appropriate technology applications, and in providing professional development. We can provide custom designed in-services ranging from on-site for a single school, to a common location for multiple schools and levels. The North Central ESD Science team works in collaboration with the North Central ESD Math and Literacy team.

In addition, our Regional Science Coordinator who, along with the other Regional Science Coordinators, Math Coordinators and Literacy Coordinators from all ESDs, will be working together with the LASER Alliance  Directors and OSPI to support the development of a statewide science network.


STEM Contacts

Andy Boyd

Regional Math Coordinator
Message NCESD

Barb Nuxoll

Professional Services Team Leader
Message NCESD

Cari Haug

Regional Science Coordinator
Message NCESD

Holly Bringman

STEM Network Coordinator
Message NCESD

Kate Austin

STEM Education Specialist
Message NCESD

Kayla Langston

Administrative Assistant
Message NCESD

Lisa Monahan

STEM Education Specialist
Message NCESD

Pete Phillips

Executive Director, Technology
Message NCESD

Stefan Troutman

Education Technology Specialist
Message NCESD

Latest Program News

NCESD Rolls Out Bicycle Education To First Schools In Region

January 24th, 2024|

As part of the historic Move Ahead Washington transportation bill, passed in March 2022, a school-based bicycle safety education program is rolling out to grades 3-8 Physical Education classes across Washington. NCESD has been selected by the grant provider, Cascade Bicycle Club, as a first-year partner and has already delivered bikes to four schools in North Central Washington.

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