Letter from the NCESD Superintendent: 2022-23 School Year

A Letter from Superintendent Price: Welcome to the 2022-2023 School Year
Welcome to the 2022 -2023 school year. I hope that you had an extraordinary summer and were able to spend some quality time with family and friends as well as do some much needed self-care.
The energy and positivity across our region this August has really given me great hopes for the new school year. It is with great pride that the team of professionals at NCESD 171 embraces the opportunities and responsibilities for student and adult success. We serve 29 public school districts, a tribal school, a charter school, and a number of private schools. Our promise to you is to lead, serve, and support our educational partners and the communities of North Central Washington and across the state.
We promote and support educational excellence through the provision of essential, cooperative services to schools, learning communities and valued partners.
Our commitments include:
- Relationships: to walk alongside each other and our partners, listen to understand their needs, and respond with quality service that is customized and timely.
- Leadership: to develop educational and operational leaders who model best practices, implement innovative programs, embrace diversity and leverage individual strengths.
- Communication: to reliable and informative two-way communication with all partners to raise awareness, promote engagement, and provide support.
- Advocacy: to proactively advocate, and educate, for equitable education opportunities, collaborative partnerships, and the welfare of students in our region.
We take very seriously both our opportunities and responsibilities to help schools, districts and partners serve the most valuable resource on earth – our children. Our highly professional staff is here to serve.
With Great Pride,
Michelle Price, Ed. D.
Superintendent, North Central Educational Service District 171