Notice of Public Hearing to approve the North Central ESD 2018-2019 Budget
Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of North Central Educational Service District 171 of Chelan, Douglas, Okanogan and Grant counties has completed the North Central ESD Budget for the 2018-2019 operating period.
Notice is further given that a public hearing will be held at the Clear Risk Solutions office, 451 Diamond Drive, Ephrata, WA, on Wednesday, June 27, 12 p.m., for the purpose of affording the public the opportunity to be heard for or against the proposed budget.
Copies of the proposed budget are available upon request of the board secretary at 509.665.2628.
Formal action by the Board at their regular June 27 meeting is anticipated regarding the budget.
For more information, please contact Dr. Michelle Price, Superintendent, at 509.665.2628.